A few years ago, my kids made the switch from private school to public school. For years, they never had to give a second thought to what they were wearing day to day because it was always the same ol’ uniform.
Getting to choose their outfits every day was a big thing when we made the switch. We never really had to go “back to school clothes shopping” before, never had the tough decision of what to wear on the first day, and the second…. and the third…
So I was excited for them too.
That being said, I knew how our mornings could sometimes be chaotic and that even on the weekends or in the summer when they had the added task of picking out their own outfits– especially groggy and tired in the morning– it could sometimes become a bit stressful
That is why I came up with the idea to create a Back-To-School Lookbook for Delaina her first year in public school– and now going into our 3rd year– I can tell you first hand that it was possibly one of my most “genius” of ideas because she truly used it every week when picking out her clothes.

Making Your Own DIY Back To School Lookbook
Once back-to-school clothes shopping is complete, we set aside a day to do a little photoshoot.
We put together outfits with fun accessories on the floor (a la an Instagram flatlay) , mix and match them several different ways and take pictures of each outfit.
It can actually be a lot of fun mixing and matching and seeing how many different varieties of outfits you can come up with.
Once our photoshoot is complete, we send the photos to print at our local CVS or Walgreens via their App. You can often find a coupon code for this– so definitely check out available online coupon codes for prints before checking out.
We will then go and pick out a small photo album and fill it with the photos.
Just flip through the book, then through their wardrobe and – BOOM! – Ready for school!