Categories: The Everyday

What’s In My Bag: Essentials For Busy Ladies With Crazy Days

Sponsored  by Folgers ® #MyIcedCafé

Let’s talk “Go-bags”, shall we ladies?

Not the kind we have packed for natural disasters per say, but the kind that saves our lives on those hectic days that don’t stop until our head hit the pillows at Club B.E.D.

This spring I am being catapulted into the after-school hustle with one child with multiple days of basketball, one child with multiple days of soccer… (some days and times overlapping) … piano, homework– and an energetic toddler who just doesn’t understand why he can’t join in the practices. Ha!

I’ve always been left in jaw-on-the-floor-awe when I meet a busy Mom who somehow manages to cram in multiple after school activities for multiple children and somehow still has energy and looks pulled together.

Well I have this new theory that the important question we should be asking though isn’t how she does it, it’s “what’s in her bag?” because I assure you that that bag holds great secrets and possibly even magic powers.

The truth is that the our go-bags are most likely constantly evolving depending on what her day holds, but there are always a few staples that are packed to get her through the day.

So, I thought I would give you a sneak peek into my current bag and share a few secrets of my own.

1– iPhone + sometimes an iPad . Let’s face it we all would be lost without our phones, so I won’t state the obvious to why I always have it in my bag. The iPad on the other hand is a sometimes item. Some days when I know there will be waiting around, I will pack the iPad for the kids or myself to pass the time.

2–Notepad and pen. Lists are essential. I start my day making lists and I update through out the day. I am a pen and paper kinda gal’ and trust me nothing makes you feel more accomplished than crossing something off a list. I’ve even been known to write something on my daily list that I already did, just to cross it off.

Don’t knock it til you try it.

Oh! and also, trust me someone is always in need of a pen and paper. It makes a great sibling entertainer too.

3- Lip Balm. I’m a fein– especially in the cold weather. Occasionally, I’ll keep a lip gloss in my bag, but a balm? Always!

4- Caffeine . I am not ashamed to admit that I have a love affair with coffee, every. single. day. I can barely form sentences before my morning cup and on crazy days, having a cup or two to perk me back up to life is essential. Coffee gets me.

You see that tiny Folgers® Iced Café bottle? That right there is my new found magic for my warm weather hustle. Folgers® Iced Café is concentrated coffee that you can mix with cold milk for an ice-cold pick-me-up. They come in four different flavors: original latte, hazelnut latte, french vanilla latte and caramel mocchiato. My personal favorite is original latte. Try it!

5- Cough drops + tissues. Being out and about with the pollen in the spring air always seem to make someone’s throat scratchy and nose runny.

6- Gum. Not pictured I know, but just like the lip balm I am lost without it. I like to keep a minty flavor on hand because it feels refreshing and also is a great way to rid yourself of coffee breath after that clutch afternoon latte’ (see 4.)

7- Contact case + back up glasses. My eyes tend to get dry as the day goes on and some days they just need a break, so I have to always be prepared.

8- Hair ties + bobby pins. My tired does not only show in my eyes, but in my hair. After a day of running around, by late afternoon my hair is limp and calls to me for a “reset”.

9- Cereal/powerbar. When I’m traveling with Avs in tow, I have a diaper bag stacked with snack options– but my diaper bag is another post entirely. For myself, I try to always keep a powerbar on hand, because there is nothing worse than a groggy, hangry mom.

Ok, so there are my secrets. Now its time for you to tell me yours!

What do you keep in your “go-bag”?

Disclosure: Folgers® is a paid sponsor of Complicated This post was written in partnership with Folgers and SocialStars. As always we only partner with brands we personally love and use. All thoughts, opinions and advice is my own.


Cori is an East Coast Beauty and Style blogger, YouTube host and Mom of 3, dishing tips and trends from her laptop (and sometimes iPhone) for busy gals on the go.

View Comments

  • wow I have never tried Folgers iced coffee and had no idea it came in a little to go thing!! With the Summer promising to be the hottest every I HAVE to go buy some of these!! Thank you so much for the tip!! xoxo Amanda

  • Love this post! I'm at the point of having 3 days with practices just for my son :( I keep most of this in my bag too - and add in some sunscreen!

  • Ooh, this sounds SO convenient! I am also not one of those moms who can do multiple after-school obligations. Noooo way.

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