Categories: BlogStyle

Shop Today, Wear Tonight: 9 Places To Snag The Perfect Outfit Online + Pick It Up Same Day!

When you have an important or special day coming up, it is always of course #goals to have that perfect outfit planned out days (or weeks!) ahead of time– but let’s face it– sometimes, that’s just not the way life works. Our days can get crazy, we’re sometimes just focused on surviving the 24 crazy busy hours in front of us and sometimes? Plans are just plain old last minute!

I recently found myself struggling with this dilemma when I had a photo shoot that required solid, brightly colored clothing.

Do you know what’s kind of hard to find in New Jersey in the middle of January? Solid brightly colored clothing.

And do you know what I’m apparently not a big fan of? … Solid, brightly colored clothing.

It’s actually not something I ever noticed about myself until I was on the hunt– BUT– as they say, when there is a will there’s a way!

I could have blindly headed to the mall and shopped around– but when juggling a pre-schooler,  that wasn’t ideal (although, Avery has become an excellent shopping buddy– always willing to offer up his honest, uncensored opinion when I’m trying on clothes–ha!).

Luckily there are quite a few stores that allow you to shop from their website and pick up at your local store the same day. In case you ever find yourself in a pinch similar to mine, below is a list retailers that allow you to shop site-to-store!

It’s a Godsend, really!

Shop Today. Wear Tonight.

9 Retail stores to snag an outfit online + pick up in-store


Cori is an East Coast Beauty and Style blogger, YouTube host and Mom of 3, dishing tips and trends from her laptop (and sometimes iPhone) for busy gals on the go.

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