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5 Reasons Why You Should Rent A House For Your Next Girls Getaway
I am not made for winter. This is something I remind James every time temperatures dip below 30 degrees.
It annoys him to no end, but I can’t help it. I crave sunshine more than I crave a shopping haul– which if you know me, says a lot.
Well, this past weekend I got my sun fix along the warm, white beaches of Destin, Florida, where I met up with some of my blogging friends for a working retreat/girls weekend.
The idea of this working retreat had been something we were throwing around for awhile, and this year Newman- Dailey Resort Properties graciously offered to host us at their gorgeous Blue Haven rental home. .
This 7 bedroom, 6 1/2 bath, vacation home was beyond perfect both for sleeping and our daily round-table discussions.
The home’s bright, airy, easy breezy “welcome home” vibe really set the tone for a laid back, inspirational weekend where we shared ideas, experiences and offered support for one another’s questions and goals.
The natural light in this house is insane! Right?
Occasionally getting away with your girls is always fun but this was the first time I ever shared a home with friends (barring my early 20’s down at the Jersey Shore) and I truly believe it contributed a great deal to making the weekend extra special.
If you are considering a girls getaway or are in the early stages of planning one, I highly recommend considering renting a vacation home vs. staying at a hotel– below are a few reasons why:
Less cost + more living space
The house we stayed in has multiple bathrooms (which is key with multiple women getting ready), sleeps 18 comfortably and is quoted around $544 a night (during the month we stayed).
With a group of 10 we had more than enough room and staying 4 nights, it would come out to less than $220 each person in TOTAL. That is a tiny fraction of the cost it would have been if we all got separate hotel rooms– or even if we doubled up 2 to a hotel room.
Not to mention, being able to stock up on snacks, quick bites and drinks really helps save on food costs as well.
Private amenities
While doing laundry was not on our agenda, it was nice to have a washer/dryer on site. It offers the options to pack less and rewash/re-wear outfits– which is great. It was also great to have our own private pool and jacuzzi area all to ourselves and NO parking costs!
Feeling like family
Living the roommate life, taking care of each other and the shared space you’re living in really creates a feeling of sisterhood.
Going on store runs allowed us to get to know each other’s dietary needs, likes, dislikes… and daily Starbucks order.
Together we pitched in to do every day living things, such as setting up and clean up meals, taking care of the garbage, etc. and it felt like home in all the best ways possible.
Grabbing that first cup of coffee together
Every morning, it was nice to let everyone kind of wake up at their own pace and join each other for a cup of coffee in the kitchen/living area. Some of us showered and got head-to-toe ready before emerging from our rooms and others lounged in their PJs a little longer.
Everything at our own pace. Not rushing was nice.
Live like the locals
Exposing yourself to another way of life always makes for a memorable experience.
The home we stayed in was about 2 blocks from the beach. Those who ran in the mornings ran along the shoreline. One afternoon, we decided to just pack up some blankets and take our brainstorming to the beach– all because, beach life! 🙂
We shopped at local markets (A 115 store outdoor outlet mall was literally less than 10 minutes away) and ate at local restaurants.
Brotula’s, a seafood restaurant with a pier view in downtown Destin, invited us to stop in for a bite to eat. We spoke to the owner, learned a little about their business and how their chef personally selects and cooks with locally sourced, fresh ingredients.
We also learned that some of the fresh, locally caught fish that they serve are served with a QR code you can scan to see the fisherman who caught the fish on your plate and ask any questions you may have! How awesome is that?
We toured the pier area, snapped a kazillion-and-one photos and took in the gorgeous sunset.
Bottom line: Sharing a home with your girls is a must-experience.
Speaking as a blogger, I can tell you that when you’re working at home day in and day out, it is so easy to feel like you’re operating in a silo– just you and your computer.
Often the same or similar can be said of motherhood– or life in general. We need a change of pace to hit the reset button.
These women, they are my “tribe”, my virtual co-workers and friends. They are brilliant and kind and we chat online every week– but nothing compares to connecting in person, sharing tips, experiences and goals face to face– with people who truly want to see each other win.
Whether the people you’d like to get away with are friends you’ve known for life, business colleagues or virtual co-workers– everyone needs face-time (not to be mistaken with FaceTime) with people like this.
It is just plain good for the soul.
Jo-Lynne // Me // Amy //Amy // Jessica // Tammilee // Jodi // Tammilee // Jodi //Danielle //Sara // Maria
Tell me, where did you go for your last girls getaway?
Traveling With Kids To The Famous Madonna Inn Is A Trip They Won’t Forget
When kids daydream, they dream BIG.
Sky’s the limit.
Everything is bold, colorful, quirky, silly, fun– and nothing is impossible.
Expect the unexpected.
In a nutshell– that is the Madonna Inn.
In all of it’s PINK, flamboyant, kitschy glory, The Madonna Inn was our chosen mid-point for an over-night stay, as we packed up our family of 5 in an Acura MDX and trekked along the PCH from San Jose to LA.
While not billed specifically as a “kid resort”, it is undeniably family friendly and definitely taps into the a child’s imagination.
The Inn first opened up in in 1958 by Alex Madonna, with just 12 room and has since grown into a sprawling 2,200 acre resort with 2 restaurants, an infinity pool and over 110 over-the-top themed rooms, each decorated differently and more elaborately than the next.
From the Old Mill room’s Disney-esque vibe to the Yahoo’s old frontier motif, or my personal favorite, the “What’s Left” room (which is decorated in exactly that… what was left from all the other rooms)– no two rooms are the same!
credit: Trip Advisor
Fun Facts About The Madonna Inn:
- The LA Times has dubbed the “waterfall urinal” in the men’s bathroom located in the Inn’s Gold Rush Steak House, “The most photographed men’s urinal” in North America – (Yup. you read that right, folks. ha!)
- In 2010, the Madonna Inn was featured on “The Bachelor”– AKA, the season of Jake and Vie
Why Our Visit To The Madonna Inn One We’ll Never Forget
The Best Room At The Madonna Inn
During our stay, we stayed in the Jungle Rock Room– complete with vines growing across the ceiling, tree limbs hanging over the bed, and rock waterfall for that morning shower! It was like we had walked into a real-life version of The Jungle Book. The kids were in awe. With very low lighting and minimal windows in our room we slept like babies… in a very quiet, peaceful jungle.
And while it’s true it is the only room at The Madonna Inn we’ve ever stayed in, I’m going to go ahead and dubb it the best. Trust, we did our research.
{For more sneak peeks at the rooms, Buzzfeed has a great round up of 25 ridiculously awesome rooms at The Madonna Inn}
Pink Champagne Cake!
credit: Madonna Inn
Slice of Pink Champagne Cake, $6.95
We arrived pretty late in the evening but I had heard so much about the Famous Pink Champagne Cake that as soon as we walked in the door, I picked up the phone and called the Madonna Inn Bakery to BEG for a slice… and… OMG you guys! For the love of all things sweet and delish– if you are visiting The Madonna Inn, say yes to the pink champagne cake! I promise you won’t regret it.
Infinity Pool With A View
Overlooking sweeping views of the gorgeous San Louis Obispo hillside, the infinity pool is absolutely breathtaking. So before hitting the road again, we headed out to the pool 1st thing in the morning. It was empty– SCORE! Being early birds does have its advantages!
Dining At The Gold Rush Dining Room & Coopers Cafe
Both of the restaurants at the resort serve a standard American-favorites menu, and have touches of that Madonna Inn kitch & flair– like the shakers filled with pink sugar on every table at Cooper’s Cafe and the gorgeous hand-carved marble balustrade in the Gold Rush dining room that was inspired by the Hearst Castle (located is just 40 miles north of the Inn).
Bottom line, everything at this resort is over-the-top and worth exploring. We had only one regret with the Madonna Inn, and that is that we didn’t get to stay longer!
Couples Getaway: Wining And Dining In Atlantic City
Date nights are always highly coveted when you are a parent. James and I *try* to make a date night at least once or twice a month.
Of course sometimes life gets extra busy and those “date nights” consist of wine, our couch and Shark Tank.
But then other times, the stars perfectly align somehow and we successfully persuade family members to watch all three kids OVER NIGHT and we get a mini getaway!
This rare alignment occurred last month when we were invited to visit Atlantic City and we naturally JUMPED on it!
Just 90 minutes from our home, Atlantic City has always been our “go-to” place for a weekend getaway, whether its as a couple or with friends.
The Tropicana hotel/casino is where I had my bachelorette party and is probably my favorite resort/casino in AC. The inside is decorated to replicate the French Quarter (below left) and is just gorgeous!
The picture below on the right is one of my favorite Atlantic City getaway memories– singing Karaoke at The Tropicana with our friends Tim and Marie. We have made a promise to do this again in 2015 and I am including it to hold us accountable.
Atlantic City is one of those places that doesn’t always get the credit it deserves.
It’s not Disney or a tropical island, it’s true– but it certainly has its beauty and is always buzzing with fun for the grown-ups!
Oh! Hello there Tanger Outlets, you sexy beast, you!
From concerts to lounges, OUTLET shopping (*high fives*) and of course … gambling– there is quite literally always the makings of a fun getaway– which is why we find ourselves there multiple times a year.
During this trip, we skipped the casino floor, as we had a full schedule which included a Wanda Syke’s comedy show, perusing the Pier Shops and checking out some new-to-us dining experiences.
The Viking Cooking School At Harrah’s Resort
This was a 2 hour cooking class that kicked off with the most delicious strawberry mojitos I have ever tasted in my life and quesidillas! If I received the same greeting in my own kitchen, we *might* have less pizza nights. Just saying’.
The chef walked us through preparing each dish, giving us not only some great hands-on cooking experience but some of his cooking tips as well.
When we were done cooking our 4 course meal (insert food coma here), we took our dishes to super cute dining room where they had a table set for us.
The Viking Cooking School offers a variety of different classes from pizza making to brunch and just about every cuisine you can think of- including occasional vegan and gluten free classes.
Not only is it a great date-night idea, it’s also a perfect gift-option!
Classes range around $89-$99 per person.
Guy Fieri’s ChopHouse
left photo credit: McKenna Bleu
This year Guy Fieri opened up his Chophouse restaurant in Bally’s Hotel/Casino.
You guys? So good. …SO. SO. GOOD.
Billed as a steakhouse with a “Twist” there is something on the menu for everyone– sushi, lobster, sliders, buffalo chicken…. and let me not even get into the Nutella tacos and “Cheesecake Challenge” that is layered in chocolate covered potato chips and is every flavor of heaven.
Savor Borgota– Street Eats
left photo credit: McKenna Bleu
The Borgata Hotel/Casino is home to some incredible restaurants, including Wolfgang Puck’s American Grille and Bobby Flay’s Steakhouse. Every year, the hotel hosts “Savor Borgata” which is a week of awesome food events and restaurant deals.
Street Eats is the last event of the week that offers a taste of all the deliciousness the Borgota restaurants offer.
Set up like a festival with food trucks, Street Eats attendees are invited to go up and down the rows of food grabbing a bite here and a glass of wine there. Wolf Gang Puck himself was even there serving his duck sliders! The event is a foodie’s dream come true.
Ticket price: $79
We most definitely ate our way through AC this trip– and if you were wondering we also avoided the scale for a good 3 days after. WORTH IT.
Family Travel: Why We Travel With Our Kids As Much As Possible
That’s how it all started.
Much smaller than Disney World (where we are multi-trip veterans), Disneyland felt like a fun, yet manageable option for our first summer traveling as a party of 5.
Party of 5, traveling across the country….with a 6 month old.
“You. Are. CRAZY”, everyone told us.
We thought, “OMG. *Are* we crazy?”….
“We’re crazy!”
“Nope. We are totally doing this.”
The adrenaline took over and it wasn’t long before we were thinking– we would only truly be insane if we did not make the most of this!!
My husband’s cousin who lives in San Francisco had recently had her first baby, whom we were dying to meet… and just like that, our small manageable trip to Disneyland turned into a 10-day road trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles!
Exciting. Scary… and all the emotions in between.
(Are people still saying that?)
Today, we are still asked about that trip. The cities and stops we made, and how did we do it?
The answer in short is– we just did.
We made a decision and rode out the highs and lows.
Yes. I stressed the hell out prior to the flight, playing a game of Tetris with clothes for 5, baby gear and various other entertainment-y things to occupy– and only 3 duffle bags (but we did it!! … and found suitcase packing secrets, my friends!)
Yes. The baby’s sleep was thrown off a bit…
Yes, this adorable photo of Laina dancing like no one is watching along the PCH, might have actually been us pulled over on the road after Ryan had a *slight* panic attack that he left his iPod back at the previous town ….about 25 minutes back (he didn’t).
And sure, these pictures of Avery happy as a clam on the beaches of Malibu *may* not tell the tale of how we novice road-trippers decided to pass on multiple “fun stops” so that the baby could nap. Ending up with cranky, disappointed kids at a beach that sounded fancy, but in reality was barely a beach at all.
But all of those stressful moments were overshadowed by the fun ones.
Like baby’s first plane ride.
And Fro-Yo 30,000 feet in the air.
{Shout out to Delta Airlines!}
Packing and un-packing a car every few days in new cities.
/ Read more about stay at the Diva Hotel /
Waking up to breakfast with family who live across the country from us.
Meeting new cousins and taking pictures at the park where the Full House gang picnicked.
Hiking through the Muir Woods, inhaling the scent of the Redwood trees,
and being photobombed by a seagull at the Golden Gate Bridge
/ Read more about our San Francisco favorites /
Sleeping in a jungle and ordering pink champagne cake– way past their bedtime.
/ Read more about our stay at San Louis Obispo’s Madonna Inn with kids /
Stopping to see the dolphins play along the Pacific Coast Highway
/ Read more about our Stops Along The PCH /
Sending postcards to family at various stops along the way…
Taking selfies by landmarks…
and selfies in the cute town of Tiburon.
Touring Hollywood and Rodeo Drive
and of course that amazing feeling, finally arriving at Disneyland.
/ Read more about our Disneyland Must-Dos /
I’d be lying if I said every time we plan a trip, I don’t pause for a second and question “Are we going to pull this off?” James will back that up.
But we always power through it, because if we let those doubts take over, we would be missing out on so many amazing memories…. and in the end?
That always outweighs the stresses of travel.
Acura was a featured partner for our California Roadtrip