As the weather warms up and we settle into our temporary home for the summer, I quickly began to realize that my darling little Laina has gone through a major growth spurt.
I know that they say most children are a size ahead of their age (ie- 4 yr olds wear size 5)… but that never rang true for our kids. In fact, Ry was always a size behind his age (age 8 wearing a size 7) and up until this point Laina had always been exactly her age/size. Now it appears she has practically skipped over size 5 and is a size 6!!
I didn’t want to spend a fortune, so I headed to TJ Maxx to see what I could find… and you guys, I walked out with an entire summer wardrobe!!
The Summer Wardrobe Steal:
- 9 outfits
- 3 dresses
- 2 pajamas sets
- 2 pairs of sandals
(wait for it…) … all for $220!!
It is my most proud haul to date.
Here are a few pics of outfits I snagged.
The top below is my favorite! It’s high-low, sheer… and that print is just so cute! The shorts with the neon skinny belt? Clearance – $7.50!!!
Another hi-low, sheer shirt, with leopard print hot pink shorts and adorable rosette flip flops.

The girl is D-O-N-E!