Lately it seems everyone is all up-in-my-ovaries. Everywhere I turn I’m being asked the question that, if we’re being truthful– none of us like but all of us ask…
“Do you think you’ll have one more?”
My mother and sister are jointly texting me their not so subtle hints of :
“We’ve discussed. We think its time for one more” [SEND]
My gynocologist inquired “So, are you here because you’re breaking the tie?” – Really, you too? I was just stopping in for my annual exam.
But perhaps the part that I loath most about this line of questioning is pressure-statements that follow. “Well the boy *is* already 6 years old– you need to make up your mind soon” … “You’re already 31. You only have what? another 4years?”
Societies window of “have time to decide” to “You need to hurry up, the clock is ticking” comes slamming shut in a way that I can only compare to when we were planning our wedding. No one wanted to talk to you until 6 months before because it was TOO early, then suddenly its 5 1/2 months before your wedding and in what seems like a blink of an eye everyone is in panic mode because “you don’t have much time”. It’s insanity at best. Only when you are taking in terms of biological clocks… its way more stressful.
For me, my answer to “Do you want to break the tie?” changes literally- I have days that I look at my kids and could cry because they’re so big. I look at newborns and my heart melts. But then I ask myself, do I just miss my kids being babies or do I want actually want another child? There is a BIG difference there, and honestly I don’t know.
My husband comes from a a simple family of 4 (only one sibling) and so he is perfectly content the way things are now with our boy and our girl. But I look at the big family I was raised in and think- somehow growing old seems more bearable surrounded by a big family. The kids having another sibling, the house always being full for the holidays– but am I willing to tack on more years of diapers and sleepless nights (not to mention an extra 20 minutes of prep time onto even the quickest store runs)?
Thoughts of having the 3rd baby isn’t filled with the same visions of tiny cute clothes or “I’m a big brother” t-shirts your first 2 were. And I am constantly playing devils advocate with myself because the thought of having a 3rd child is harder than the thought of having the first.
I have one friend who has told me in the past “If you are not sure, you are not done.” While I don’t know if that is true, I ‘m wondering– how did you know when you were done?
{{ Ironically, as I sit here writing a post about having a 3rd , my 3 year old has decided to have a meltdown because she doesn’t want to go to sleep. So, um… tonight? 3 sounds like a future in a padded room to me.}}
In related news: Scary Mommy just posted these HILARIOUS Congrats on Baby greeting cards. A MUST see.
I’m pretty sure we’re not done… at least I don’t feel like we are. There are times when I think I could go on not having anymore kids, but those moments pass usually once the kids start behaving again. 😉
I feel the same way you you do! My hubby is done…but I keep thinking what if…Life is getting a big easier, and I always ask myself if I could handle another BUT like you I love having a big family. I think about the future – holidays, vacations, etc. Sigh I’m done but in my heart I’m not so sure.
I love the question: “do I just miss my kids being babies or do I want actually want another child?” I totally found you from a link on Pinterest for Elf on the Shelf ideas … if I’d have known that it was going to be more work for me I might’ve hesitated longer at Target. And then still bought it because it sounds like fun. Anyway I’ve read a couple posts and think you’ll be my new blog BFF 🙂 Seriously though, on the kid thing … I have two boys and am 35 so I get the bullhorn announcement of TIME IS RUNNING OUT and don’t I want a girl? Really, I should keep going until I have a girl. Because, of course, it’s a good idea to make an entire human being in order for me to have a girl. Would I love to have the experience of having a daughter? Totally. Enough to disrupt this good thing we have going here: a hand for each kid, an adult for each kid and four around the table … it’s perfect in my book. I think not being sure just means … you’re not sure. When you see a breast pump and want to grab your boobs and run … you’re done. Until then … you’re not sure is the perfect answer.
Woohoo! That elf on the shelf brings me lots of new friends! Love him 🙂
Hope to hear from you more my new BFF 🙂
Oh!! And most importantly- I agree with “trying for a girl” … It’s much deeper than that- we’re talking a human being… Raising another child. It’s a big decision!! And somedays like you.. Family of 4 sounds perfect
Je pense que ikky est representer par kagaho du benou tant par la recesmblanse de leur caracteres : grand frere ayant des sentiments forts pour leurs piti freres (je ne sait plus dans quel tome on le voit) que par leurs armures (la sacree du phenix ressemblant je trouve a celle du benou). Voila
OH MY GOODNESS!! You’ve done it again! These photos are AMAZING. I can’t tell you how thankful we are! We just LOVE these and can’t wait to hang (ALL) them in our house!! You’re FABULOUS!