(Photo Credit: Tammy Cedar Photography)
Just 4 More weeks! I can’t even believe it.
The kids are back to school and this is the time I thought I would use to really prepare for the arrival of our little “Blueberry”. Unfortunately though I have been dealing with a lot of back pain, fatigue and over all discomfort. So I’ve been spending a lot more time attempting to find comfort and energy and less time actually being productive.
It seemed to have turned on like a switch from one day feeling great to the next feeling DONE – But didn’t I call this in my last update?
Between my late night partier doing dances, back pain no matter which way I lay and the anxiety/breathlessness that has returned, sleep has already become a thing of the past… as has my morning coffee which only makes me more breathless {insert coffee lover pout here}.
Photo credit: Tammy Cedar Photography
We have at this point accepted that the house will not be done til after the baby arrives, and so we have began preparing a small space in our room. We have stocked up on all of our baby essentials, and are just kind of ready!
When we had Laina, I spent a whole day doing freezer cooking for 2 weeks after the baby was born. It was possibly the best thing I did to prepare us, the food was good, home cooked and kept us away from dialing in pizza while I healed. This time around I am dealing with a much smaller kitchen as well as freezer space, my Mother In Law is letting me use her kitchen and freezer. Now to remember what exactly I cooked…..
Getting To Know Babe
At 33 weeks, the baby measured at 4.5 lbs.
It seems my calm little one was waiting to start moving around like crazy until around 33 wks… just when there was basically no room to move.
We checked at yesterday’s doctor appointment and though the Dr. doubted it would happen, little b-berry showed him by kickity kicking its way into position around 34 wks and is no longer breech! Woohoo!
Cravings and Weigh-ins
With just 4 weeks to go, I am up 21 lbs. and have officially broken out my “Pregnancy Food Check List”. So I will probably put on 21 more this next month.
My Pregnancy Food Checklist consists of all my guilty pleasure foods that I have to have before baby arrives because I don’t usually eat when I’m not pregnant…. and certainly don’t plan on eating while I’m trying to lose baby weight.
I’ve done this checklist with each pregnancy. Each time its slightly different.
So what is on the list this time?
– IN-N-OUT Burger (CHECK! Got that in San Fran)
– Carrot Cake (Like, REALLY good carrot cake)
– Fondue.. Cheese and also Chocolate (Which is planned for my birthday this Friday… Hooray for The Melting Pot!)
– Lasagna with meat sauce (My stepfather got this one! Planned for the weekend before Blueberry’s arrival)
– Disco Fries (because, well.. obviously!)
The Name Game
Yep. Still nothing. Well not NOTHING. We have 3-4 boys names and 3-4 girls names and I can’t lie, I am beginning to panic a little that we aren’t going to be able to decide on one when the baby arrives.
Photo credit: Tammy Cedar Photography
Yay for b-berry not being breach anymore!! I know all too well the woes of having a too small kitchen and small freezer space. Hope all continues to go well with your pregnancy.