You know the opening line in that 80’s song, Manic Monday?
“6:00 already. I was just in the middle of a dream…”
Story. Of. My. Life, you guys.
And well, 6am (no matter what side of daylight savings time we are on) always seems just a few shades too bright for my liking.
Because, confession: I am not a morning person.
I LOVE my beauty rest, my fluffy pillow, crisp sheets, cool breeze blowing from the ceiling fan, melting into my pillow top mattress.
No matter when I go to bed, I can never get enough of any of these things.
In a twist of fate, I somehow married a morning person.
Even more ironically, I birthed not one, not two but T H R E E, adorable–after I’ve had my coffee– miniature morning people.
I know. Bizarre. Between you and I, I’m not fully convinced they weren’t switched at birth.
But me? If given the opportunity I would hit that snooze button until noon.
Which as comedian Demitri Martin points out … is kinda, well… dumb.
In his stand up routine he says:
And? He’s 100% right!
Why do we do it to ourselves?
And, if by nature you love your sleep, can you become a morning person?
Well, I have good news my fellow sleep lovers. There is hope. We can turn our morning grizzly ways around!
I’ve been silently sleuthing the secrets of my morning-people and have uncovered a few easy ways we can fake-it-til-we-make-it.
The Unauthorized Secrets of Morning People– Exposed!
Prepare The Night Before
Growing up I had a friend who consistently laid out her outfits the night before– including accessories and any packed bags she might need– etc., etc.
She did this when we were in middle school and continued into adulthood– even after kids– every. single. night. like clockwork.
You know what James does every night? THE SAME EXACT THING. (Yep. He married me.)
Call it cray. Call it OCD. Call it what you will–
BUT… it’s effective!
I can’t tell you how many mornings I’ve laid in bed mentally filing through my wardrobe trying to piece together outfits, dreading leaving my comfy bed just to possibly find that one of my mentally chosen items are in the wash (cause isn’t that the worst?)
Laying out everything the night before gives you a stress-free morning, and waking up is a tiny bit more pleasurable when less stress is involved.
No iPhone/iPad Checking
It is SO tempting to just do a quick email or Facebook scan in the morning– but don’t do it my friends! We both know checking your phone in the morning is like getting lost down the rabbit hole and only leads to procrastination.
None of my morning people scroll their devices (granted 1/2 of them don’t have personal devices, but the connection to my point remains). Don’t do it. Procrastination never make mornings fun.
Brush Your Teeth
I’m talking as soon as your feet hit the ground, head to the bathroom and brush your teeth.
This is actually my own personal secret, as I am usually chasing after my littlest morning people to brush their teeth.
Getting rid of that kick’n morning breath is probably the #1 thing that wakes me up in the morning. Sure, you may end up brushing them again after your morning coffee but I truly cannot feel remotely awake if I do not have fresh breath.
Drink A Cup… of WATER
I know, I know. Not our first beverage of choice.
And I would never deny you your caffeine!
We’re friends. Friends don’t let friends function without caffeine.
BUT, I would suggest you drink a cup of water before you reach for that coffee mug.
We tend to be dehydrated after a night’s rest, and dehydration = grogginess.
Put On Those Workout Clothes… And No, I’m Not Talking Yoga Pants.
It feels mind boggling, I am even suggesting this considering visions of breaking a sweat does not even remotely make me want to leave Club B.E.D. But, morning people actually do this –and dammit– just like their OCD outfit prepping– it works!
But there is a reason I listed this as putting on work out clothes and not “exercise”, lean in.
Sometimes, I will get dressed for the gym in the morning – head to toe– sneakers and all… and not actually go to the gym for hours.
Of course not everyone’s morning looks like mine and it totally sounds insane. I know, but hear me out.
Putting on work out clothes can really set the tone– and sorry, your comfiest worn out yoga pants do not apply here. I find I instantly want to get moving– even if my class at the gym isn’t for another few hours. If I have my work out gear on… I am getting ish done!
Grab Your Java After 9am!
Gahh! I know.
I am finally speaking our sleepy language, and I am telling you to hold off a little.
Trust that no one loves their coffee more than I do but waiting to get your caffeine fix until after 9am has been SCIENTIFICALLY proven to be more effective in perking you up!
Don’t believe me? Ask my hubby who waits til he gets to the office to have his first cup… or check out the research for yourself!
So next time your alarm goes off and you reach for the snooze button, try one of these tricks to perk up and fake your morning-person-ness and be sure to report back and let me know how it goes!!
Originally shared 2/28/2015 2 in partnership with Folgers.
I love being a morning person. It makes me feel like I’ve already “1-up’d” the world each day 🙂 When the streets are quiet and all you can hear are the birds starting to chirp or the bees bumping into the windows, it’s such a small moment of peace that you can’t get any other time of day. Inside, I feel bad for people that miss out on those times. These are great tips…especially about being prepared. It literally takes seconds to make the coffee, make lunches, etc. the night before so you can start each day stress free. Also, to be a happy morning person means to be an early bed-goer. No one will ever love the morning if they don’t get enough sleep. I think if more people received enough rest we would see a rise in happy morning people 🙂
Yes!!! Getting enough sleep is essential!
Your mornings sound so peaceful! To get up before everyone in my house would mean getting up at 5am (and a little piece of me just died typing that lol). One day!
You are so right. I turned myself into a morning person, and now I could NEVER go back. I hate the snooze button, it just makes you feel more groggy. I always brush my teeth straight away, and I do drink water while my coffee brews. I don’t lay my clothes out, though. I really should do that. I also don’t always get dressed right away, but I do put a bra on. It makes me feel a little more awake. Great advice. 🙂
You are so right. I turned myself into a morning person, and now I could NEVER go back. I hate the snooze button, it just makes you feel more groggy. I always brush my teeth straight away, and I do drink water while my coffee brews. I don’t lay my clothes out, though. I really should do that. I also don’t always get dressed right away, but I do put a bra on. It makes me feel a little more awake. Great advice. 🙂