Oh my gosh, her cheeks are HUGE. …
{Over heard in the background as I lie in the operating room “Baby, she has your cheeks!”}
Yes, those were my very first thoughts when I looked at my baby girl for the very first time, 3 years ago today. Maybe not the sweetest story, I know. But its true, her cheeks were the chunkiest little cheeks I had ever seen. I couldn’t wait to pinch them. I couldn’t wait to hold her. To dress her in all of the pink, frilly, outfits and bows I had been collecting for 9 months, and dreaming about for a life time. She was finally here, my daughter. My mini-me.
She went through her bought of colic, and never wanted to be put down for the first 3 months but when I held her, her sweet, lovable disposition was obvious and we were all (even her then 3 year old brother) instantly in love.
She would suck her thumb and snuggle up next to me, trying to tuck her little face into the corner of my arms- something she still does when she comes into our room to sleep at night.
She inspired this blog.
And before I knew it- I was planning a first birthday.
Where did the time go?
We watched her go from baby to toddler, still with those sweet chunky cheeks, packing up her purse before she left the house at just 18 months. Sometimes, the items she packed were questionable, but one thing was for sure this little tot had a mission to be her own person.
And suddenly she was 2.
Where did the time go?
This is when I believe she made the executive decision to NEVER . EVER. look at a camera again. Maybe she thought it we would give up, boy did she have a lot to learn about her parents. We continued to be her paparazzi, hoping to hold on to every last baby moment. We also continued to kiss and pinch those cheeks repeatedly because- well how could you not?
She became curious to know what the hype was?
Tea parties became a daily routine. She discovered her inner fashionista this year, dressing up in tutus and princess dress, sun glasses and plastic heels, which we all know now as “hot shoes”.
And though sibling rivalry reared its head this year, just as she learned to play Mary when her brother wanted to play Cake Boss,
her brother learned to slow dance when she was wanted to be a ballerina and become Flynn Ryder when she was Rapunzel…
And now, today… she is 3.
And I am picking her up from pre-school where she is celebrating her very first in-class birthday party.
Where did the time go?
Happy Birthday to my sweet, adorable, pinchable cheek’d fashionista.