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Quick + Easy Sausage Wonton Bites On The Go
If you, like me, moonlight as your kid’s chauffeur– you are probably all too familiar with what, I lovingly and often refer to as the “After-school/camp Hustle”.
Filled with pick ups and drop offs (sports, friends, shopping, oh my!)… the after-school hustle –always full of surprises– devours hours of your day.
And every day mid-hustle we are faced with the question, “What’s for dinner?”
I cannot tell you how many times I don’t even think about dinner until one of the kids reminds me that it is indeed time to feed them… again.
But with dwindling hours, we need quick, we need easy– we need more options– beyond dialing in pizza.
And when we find these quick, easy, and delicious options? We need to go forth and share!
Because, it takes a village my friend, it takes a sometimes virtual, …online… village.
So today, I am teaming up with Hillshire Farm to share one of our favorite quick and easy sausage meals.
First, let me share my biggest “life-on-the-go” meal prep secrets.
(come closer)
Ok. Are you ready?
The key is to find ways to make your favorite meals, bite size.
For me, this means breaking out the muffin pan and wonton wrappers–and let me tell you– you’ll be AMAZED at how many of your favorites you can make this way.
Wonton wrappers hold all the things, my friends.
All the things.
One of our favorite wrapped-up dinners on the go, is sausage and pepper bites.
– Oh! The yum that is jam packed into these little bites of heaven– that only take under 30 minutes to make –*AND* can be made ahead and stored for the week!
This weekend we are taking a 3+ hour road trip for a weekend away at an NBA camp for my son.
The plan is to leave straight from camp, and we are all sure to be starving– so I headed to my local Stop and Shop for all of the staples I need to whip up these sausage and pepper bites for the road…. But then found Hillshire Farm Polska Kielbasa & decided to try a new twist!
Here is a quick video snap shot of how easy it was to prep this before our trip today!
One of the things I love about the Hillshire Farm smoked sausage is that is pre-seasoned– which means one less step! Holla!
- 1 Package sauerkraut
- Spicy mustard
- 1 Hillshire Farm Polska Kielbsa
- Wonton wraps
- Salt and Pepper
In addition to my usual wonton cups, I made these like traditional wontons as well. The cups were definitely easier make, but the wontons were neater to eat… both equally delicious.
Some other Hillshire Farm sausage flavors you can choose from are:
- Smoked Sausage
- Polska Kielbasa
- Chicken Hardwood Smoked Sausage
- Lite Polska Kielbasa
- Beef Polska Kielbasa
- Beef Smoked Sausage
Visit the Sausage So Simple website for more quick and delicious meal inspiration.
Whether you are trying out this recipe, one from the Sausage So Simple site, or creating one of your own– let me know– share them with me by tagging me @ComplicatedMama and using the hashtag #SausageSoSimple.
Bon Appetit!
Disclosure: Hillshire Farm is a paid sponsor of Complicated Mama. As always, this site only partners with brands we already love. All thoughts and opinions are our own.
Moms Cheesy Potato Stuffed Meatloaf {Recipe + Photos}
Every mother, knowing it or not- has a signature dish or two that leaves a lasting impression on her children. These dishes taste like home and bring you back to you childhood with every bite.
While I’m not sure what my signature dish is– or if I’ve even found one yet; My mother certainly has one. In fact, she has two. One of those signature dishes is a cheesy potato stuffed meatloaf.
It is the perfect comfort food on a cold winter day. So, last week I decided to reach into my childhood and make it for my family.
Rockstar Travel: From NY To LA And Back In A Day
This week, James and I traveled like rockstars in a jam packed 24 hour transcontinental trip to celebrate Delta’s newly upgraded non-stop services from JFK to LAX.
9:15 a.m.: Arrive at JFK, Terminal
From the moment we arrived at the gate we knew the next 24 hours would truly be- Non-Stop. We were greeted with Mimosas, balloons and dance music being mixed by DJ Theory.
All Aboard The Party Plane!
10:45 a.m.: Board Delta flight #212
Equipped with THE best flight crew I have ever had the pleasure of flying with and 80 super fun Delta winners and guests , Delta Flight 212 kicked off our in-flight celebration with wine tasting and a 4 course Napa style meal by Delta’s gourmet chef Chiarello.
By far this food was the best food I have ever had on a plane. That cheese and salad platter (top left) had an ah-mazing parmesan dip. If they sold bottles of it in flight, I’d have bought it. It was that good.
Chef Chiarello’s meals were specially created for Delta and are served in the Elite cabin on cross country flights– which will soon also have flat bed seating! So, save those Skymiles®, my friends!
Being airline loyal pays off- BIG TIME –Skymiles® are my family’s top travel secret. Racking up miles from business travel and using our Delta Amex card every chance we could is how our family of 4 flew out to Maui last year and how we are flying out to Oahu, HI this summer. True story.
And while, cross-country flying is something many dread due to jet lag (and if you are like me, anxiety), the views are like no other. Where else will you get to see views like these of the Colorado Rockies and Grand Canyon?
3:00 p.m.: Arrive at LAX & Depart for Malibu
Can’t lie. I did not want that flight to end– and I am a typically a super nervous flyer. If more flights were laid back and fun like that, I think it could totally curb the anxiety I typically feel before traveling.
Private stand up show by Aziz Ansari
5:30 p.m.: Surprise performance at Pepperdine University
We were treated to a private stand up performance by Parks and Recreation star, Aziz Ansari that took place Pepperdine University. This campus overlooks the Pacific coast Highway, and it is gorgeous! My fingers are crossed one of my kids goes to school there so I can go visit.
Aziz performed a hilarious set about dating in the age of text messaging.
Ladies who love Aziz Ansari, this much I know… he is single… and its all because of smart phones. So if you want to win his heart ladies, don’t text- pick up the phone.
Dinner at NOBU Malibu
6:15 p.m.: Private cocktails and dinner at Nobu Malibu
– How does one pack when going from a 5 hour flight to NOBU in Malibu, CA? {find out here} –
NOBU (co-owned by Robert Dinero), is famed for it’s Asian Fusion cuisine and it’s regular A-list patrons including, Madonna, Halle Barry and The Kardashians.
When we arrived we were welcomed by Chef Nobu himself and enjoyed cocktails and hors d’oeuvre on the patio with breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean.
The menu for the night was a parade of NOBU’s signature dishes that were out-of-this-world delicious.
During dinner, Chef Nobu came around to each table to see that everyone was enjoying their meal and also gave each of us an autographed copy of NOBU: The cookbook – that includes his recipe for the lobster spinach salad we ate that night… and let me tell you, that salad is to die for! I can’t wait to try and prepare it at home.
SLS Hotel , Beverly Hills
10:00 p.m.: Check into the SLS Hotel, Beverly Hills
After dinner we headed to the posh SLS Hotel, where we would be staying for the night. Part of the Starwood hotel family, the SLS is a luxurious four diamond hotel located in Beverly Hills.
The “reflection” on the left of the hotel room pic, is not a reflection at all. It is actually the flatscreen TV inside of a mirrored wall; with the TV off, you could barely see it was there.
Everything from the decor in the lobby to these ultra-modern rooms was first class. I only wish our stay was longer.
Exclusive private performance by FUN.
10:45 p.m.: Private concert by GRAMMY® nominated band, Fun.
FUN. played the perfect 45 minute set that included their hits Some Nights, Carry On and We are Young. The concert was so intimate and casual that the band and the guests were having conversations from the stage.
The band shared their love for Delta’s classic safety video {Smoking is noooot allowed on Delta flights} and FUN guitar player Jack, joked about how he would love to see the band make a cameo in their next safety video.
11:30 p.m.: After-party at The Bazaar by José Andrés
(Note this is 2:30 am, “our time”)
The after party at Bazaar was the ultimate ending to this whole celebrity-like experience. DJ Theroy played music, even more delicious food and drinks were passed around (seriously, how are celebrities so skinny?)
This station at the after party drew me in right away- he was making a margarita sorbet from liquid nitrogen!
At around 12:30am, James and I had to call it a night because we were loopy and had exactly 3 1/2 hours to catch some Z’s in that posh hotel room of ours before hopping on our flight back home- which departed LAX at 6:30am.
We came came home, got the kids and passed out with our Delta sleep masks.