My brother-in-law and sister-in-law are expecting their first child in a few weeks. Each time we see my sister-in-law’s growing belly, we talk about the anticipated arrival of their new baby cousin.
They are excited- though I am certain that neither Ryan (7) nor Laina (3) really “get” the whole baby in-belly concept. Still, up until now neither have really asked any technical questions about it {wipes sweat from my forehead}.
However, this afternoon as we were getting ready to go to the bus stop to pick up Ryan, I turned around to find my 3 year old’s belly suddenly seemed … larger.
She explained to me very matter of factly– “My puppy has to grow and get big. So I put him in my shirt. When he gets big, I will take him out. But don’t worry, Mommy- it won’t hurt when I take him out.”
Where do kids come up with this stuff?
We walked out with puppy-in-shirt and when we parked at the bus stop, I couldn’t help but dig a little more.
And well… there you have it.
THAT is the cutest thing on earth! Kids are little sponges. Sponges!
Kids understand and pick up on more things than we give them credit for. She is so adorable btw.
Play inmrafotive for me, Mr. internet writer.
ha, ha. So cute. Laina is such a smart kid.
Haha. I woke up down today. You’ve chreeed me up!
I think if I had to choose, The Color of Magic would be my choice for the cover, but I think I like The Wizard’s Shield for a title better than the other two. Good luck with your decision. Thanks for the giveaway.danao.b7(at)gmail(dot)com