As the temps drop, are you finding yourself crushing on the layering-goodness of cozy faux fur vests as much as I am?
Denim, leather, puffers– vests just seem to be everywhere this year and Faux-fur in particular, is quickly becoming a bit of a new obsession for this clothes horse.
Thing is, Faux Fur vests are tricky for me (and maybe for you too?). If you have curves or have broad shoulders, bulky faux-furs (no matter how cute they are), can tend to make you look wider. I know. I had one and hated it.
It’s got to be the perfect combo of texture, color and pattern to look right and although I’ve mostly come up empty, I’ve not yet given up.
This weekend, while James and I were perusing the Tanger Outelts in Atlantic City, I fell in love with one in the H&M store front window. “This is it!”, I thought. “This one will be mine”… however, sadly they only had one xs left.
James just text messaged me that he looked for it (on his own!) on his lunch hour in NY and they too were sold out.
AND what’s more? It’s sold out online as well.
Side note: Not to brag, but um… Am I the luckiest woman alive or what? He went shopping for me on his lunch- just because!… I mean, that’s love.
Forget the vest!… Ok, not completely– but you know what I mean.
So the hunt continues.
After much shopping around, I’m considering the vest below as a replacement dream and thought I would share for anyone who like me is on the market for a faux fur vest, but needs to be super selective.
It’s not completely fur, and it’s a bit more of an investment than the H&M vest– but with the mixed textures. asymmetrical patch work and over-all lack of bulkiness, this vest would definitely get more wear.
Happy Shopping!
PS- If you follow me on instagram, sign up for Like To Know It to get info on styles I wear and share there.
I am always on hunt for a cute vest, but it is a lot harder than it looks!