Toy Fair 2012 is through, and life as I know it will now go back to ‘normal’.
No more running into Godzilla sized Care Bears–
No more driving next to Santa on the Turnpike or running into lost elves–
No more entering an elevator filled with Power Rangers
No more playing with glow in the dark bubbles while being serenaded by KidzBop kids
All of it is done and over with- for now.
Until next year Toy Fair.
Wish they would bring that fun my way. Sometimes, it’s nice to have activities that take you back to being a kid.
wait i am jealous about the power rangers as my girls are totally into them right now
So true. Honesty and everything reczgnioed.
Windows Live Writer es una excelente herramienta de blogging, realmente poderosa y con multitud de opciones, que además se integra muy bien en diversas plataformas. Como WordPress, para la cual ahora la aplicación de Microsoft permitirá la moderación de comentarios.
It’s about time someone wrote about this.
« Google, éditeur du navigateur Chrome, Mozilla (Firefox) et Opera ont déposé une plainte devant la commission européenne pour abus de position dominante de Microsoft »Seul Opera Software a porté plainte devant la Commission européenne, Mozilla et Google ont le statut de « tierce partie », ce qui leur permet seulement d’accéder aux pièces du dossier et de donner un avis sur les remèdes envisagés par la Commission.