In just about 1 month, the family and I will be headed to Maui! It’s a vacation the hubs and I have been dreaming about for years. The major damper on this fantasy vacation? Swimsuit season has to be dealt with earlier than I’d like.
I go through this every year- it never gets easier. Still I remained hopeful and began searching online. The problem? All of the swimsuits that claim to be “miracle suits” and “flattering for all sizes” with “tummy panels” are all modeled by women who are at most 110 lbs and have legs that go on for days. Not only does this make us feel worse about ourselves when shopping for a bathing suit– it kind of messes with your head – almost to send the message of “this bathing suit will make you look this skinny”. It won’t. And I think as moms we aren’t looking for that – we just want something that will flatter child bearing hips and a “Mom pouch”.
So I hit the mall in search for the perfect bathing suit– which seems like an oxymoron.
In a store called “Everything But Water”, I tried on about 15 different bathing suits that were suggested for my body type. The price tags were a little higher than I typically spend on a bathing suit but I was amazed that I found more than one that I not only “liked” but felt good in!
So I did what any good blogger would do. I reached for my iPhone and took pictures so that I could share my first hand experience as a non-size 2 with a “mom pouch”.
Lets start with the ones that I did not purchase- but still loved.
I was *this|close* to purchasing this one. In fact, I’m considering going back for it. This 2 piece looked best when I went up one size. Let’s just chalk it up to this one “runs small”– shall we? but once you get passed that, I loved the angled ruching and felt great in it.
Profile by Gottex $118
This one ultimately didn’t make the cut simply based on the color. I feel like I’m always hiding behind black bathing suits because typically they are the most flattering. The ones I chose are super colorful! That being said, this was still flattering and I liked the white accents.
I liked this one a lot. It was colorful, I loved the straps and the center gem piece. It was actually one of my husband’s favorites {Yes, I make sure this experience is just as painful for him as it is for me. After all it’s his fault I’m all stretched out- right? }. I have no good reason I didn’t pick this one except that I found others I liked a little more- possibly because the others had a tummy control panel and this one didn’t.
So which bathing suits did I choose? {{ DRUM ROLLS }}
These next two swimsuits will be traveling with me to Hawaii….
Nanette Lepore $108 <-I actually found this one $60 cheaper at Nordstrom. I’ll be exchanging.
This was the first one I tried on and instantly fell in love! All the ruching, the colors, the plunging neckline – to me this one just said “sophisticated and sexy”.
The hubby agreed.
This one seriously fits so comfortably! I put it on and knew I had to have it. I love the color
- Tummy control is helpful, but ruching is key
- A good bathing suit is worth the extra investment
- It is possible to feel perfectly comfortable in a bathing suit even with “imperfections”
LOVE this post! You look amazing in all of those suits (for real) however, the color and fit of that last one…WOWZERS!
Thanks Liz!! It is SO comfortable too. I don’t usually spend $100 on a bathing suit- but this one was totally worth it.
You look fab!! Go You!!
Thanks Maria! I would love to see more real mom bodies in bathing suits!
Im not sure why you think you look different than the models… I think you look very tiny.
Thx for the kind words. They’re a size 2. I’m a size 8 or10 depending- definitely a difference. 🙂
Thx for the kind words. They’re a size 2. I’m a size 8 or10 depending- definitely a difference. 🙂
GIRL. You fine.
haha Thanks Roo.
Corine you are more beautiful than the models and I mean it! You rocked those suites and love your picks. Have fun in Hawaii!!
Corine you are more beautiful than the models and I mean it! You rocked those suites and love your picks. Have fun in Hawaii!!
the black one reminds me of a french maid outfit! i love the turquoise one too!
You are so right! 🙂 Hey french maids are sexy- right?
You look FABULOUS & I am so impressed that you did this post. LOVE that last suit and you are right, spending a little more than you normally would on a bathing suit that makes you feel confident and sexy is worth every penny! Have a blast in Hawaii!
Thanks Chrissy! I’ve never invested in a good bathing suit before- and I think that’s half the battle.
This is a fantastic post!! I love that you took pics of yourself in all the different suits. You look great! We just went to Maui over Christmas, and it’s one of my favorite places on earth. Have a wonderful vacation!!
Thanks Jocelyn! Maui for Christmas sounds amazing! Can’t wait to go next month!
I fell in love with the black one…may have to convince hubby to buy! Thank you for your willingness to show us what real bodies look like!
So glad it helped you find a suit you love! 🙂
You look great in all of them!! Seriously! And I love the pink one that you got!
You look soooooo good! Seriously sister! I love the black and white one, so pin- uppy!
Beautiful! Great post and great pics too! I LOVE the one you ended up purchasing. The color is spectacular and the fit is fantastic! You’re going to rock that suit 🙂
Go you! You look amazing! I want that black and white suit!!
I love the first suit your featured and the multi-colored one you bought. Both have a vintage feel about them and I always gravitate toward vintage.
Also? What Roo said. 🙂
Way to go! I like the last one as well. I could never wear a top like that! Have a blast on your vacation!
so great of you to do this, and you look fantastic! i bought a malia mills suit three years ago, and while it was a lot of $$ it looks good and it has lasted so i haven’t had to do the suit shop in awhile, which is another great perk!
That’s one heck of a size 8-10! You look great, and actually better – more womanly – than the models! Especially love the pink/orange one on you. Let’s just say I’m going to use the excuse that I need a bikini wax for not posting the same photos. 🙂
You look amazing! That last one is GORGEOUS! I’m going to hunt down the first, third and last ones to try on myself.
You look great!!
OK, seriously. You look awesome. Doesn’t make me feel any better about it though
BUT I am sorta loving that first tankini. I may have to go look for it
Love this post! I agree that often bathing suits that are more money actually fit & flatter. I am one of those that rock a bikini b/c darn it….I want a tan. However I love your bathing suit choices so I might have to buy a one piece.
I know you don’t think so…because we are our own worst critics…but there’s not much difference between the models and yourself! You look lovely!!
Love ALL of these on you (seriously) but the last one is definitely my fave. You look amazing.
You are a brave woman for taking those pics and sharing them!
Last year I purchased a swimsuit from Lands End that I LOVE!! It is a dress style & I figured it could go 1 of 2 ways…frumpy or cute. I feel like I’m wearing a LBD to the beach & love it.
I wish finding bathing suits for our real bodies wasn’t such a chore.
You are such a brave soul for posting yourself in a bathing suit, I would NEVER have the guts to do it, but you totally rocked them out. You’re going to LOVE Maui and have a wonderful time!
I 2nd Roo’s comment!
You looked amazing in every suit! I loved the ones that you picked!
Without designers like Nanette Lepore and Betsey Johnson making swimsuits I wouldn’t even wear one. At all. Ever.
This is my first time purchasing a Nanette Lepore swimsuit and I can totally see what you are saying!
Love. love. Love!!
🙂 Thanks, Carol!
You look so awesome in all of them! I want the turquoise one so bad! Seriously, like I said, you’re way more beautiful than the ‘model’ pictures!